Alex's Heart

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Reaching All Hearts

by Alex's Heart founder Dariya Dobreva

All right, everyone — it’s that time again! It’s Valentine’s Day week! What does this day mean to you? Do you celebrate it? How do you celebrate it? 

For many of us V-day is special because it’s the one day that going over the top with hearts and flowers and gifts doesn’t make you look crazy :). You know what I mean! So I want to bring all hearts together this time around. For many people V-day is the time to show our significant others how much we love them and that is wonderful! We should show our love, but I want to use my art project to show love for everyone!

Yes, that might look crazy — I mean some of you might ask, how can one show love to everyone? Well, I am glad you asked about it. The answer is By paying it forward! Through art being part of myself, I am creating a heart with a message of love and ask the person I give it to, to create one him or herself and give it to someone they love, and so on and so on. You see, I might not know everyone in the world but the person next to me will know someone I don’t and by giving one heart out I can reach all hearts in the world! Crazy, right? I can feel your creativity firing up! Come on, you can do it! Create your heart! What did you put on? Mine is red heart with glitter, flowers and a love note. Who did it go to? In this moment you are making someone very happy! And It feels awesome, doesn’t it?

One small step for you is a big step for somebody else! Be Happy!