#Strong #Empower #BeYou


Today I want to bring up a self-describing art project. “What is that?!,” you may ask. Well, that is the message I want to put on so everyone can see that I am a strong person; that I am truly me and nobody else.

What do I mean by that? Well, we all know that in our daily life sometime we don’t feel like ourselves either because we don’t like our jobs or its just one of those days we don’t feel like we want to be around humans. Or because we have an inner problem that we don’t what anyone else to know about, so we put a face that is acceptable for others, and we hide behind it. All this is making us feel not ourselves and after a while it starts to turn from not wanting to be ourselves to being afraid to be ourselves, often followed by the shaming by people that don’t understand us — and it’s a never-ending cycle.

To that I just say #Strong #Empower #BeYou. That is the message I want to convey and I am doing it today in art form by taking a T-shirt and writing it down BIG, BOLD and COLORFUL so everyone can see it! 

Mental health is a topic that is largely discussed today and I agree that there is no shame in being yourself. No one is perfect and yes, there are days when everyone can feel little bit down — there is no shame in that. The problem comes when we let other people tell us HOW we should feel, what is acceptable to look like and to feel like. That is, in my opinion, a big problem, because we are unique the way we are.Humans are beautiful because we are so different and every single one of us have that little spark that, if combined together with other peoples’ sparks can change the world for better. Being yourself is beneficial for the world. Express yourself, bring that spark you are hiding, empower others to do the same and watch the amazing things we can do together. Some of us can sing, others paint, and build, and create, and so many other things. We are the magical web of the world working together. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about who you are! Be yourself!

Put your message on a T-shirt! What is it?

#Strong #Empower #BeYou